The hairpin is a very simple and unisex accessory! And yes, men who have long hair can also wear it, simple white quartz is a very suitable model. And we also create custom 😀
The spade is hidden in the hair and only reveals its ornament made of pearls, stones, rhinestones or others.
Simple in appearance, it is nonetheless particularly useful, even essential in setting up and maintaining a bun. It is suitable for all types of hair.
How to put on your hair stick?
Put one hairpin just takes a little sleight of hand. Take your hair and surround it with the hair stick, then prick it in the center.
You can even put two, it will look even better and your hair will be even better maintained.
Hair sticks, for trendy and very feminine hairstyles
What could be prettier than a slightly tousled bun held in place by a hair stick colored pearl? This hair accessory has a lot of charm and femininity. Timeless, women have always used it.
Very practical, take your hairpin with you in your bag, and then forget the pen in your hair 😉